My next Golden age portrait share is of the fabulous duo that is Ray & Bonnie Northey, turning 85 & 82 this year.
Ray sent me a summary of their history.. I went from apprentice Motor Mechanic to 11years as an Ambulance Officer
to Show Biz, then in retirement became a presenter at Lake Macquarie FM 97.3. I also play guitar in our village band called The Rolling Bones
Bonnie went from House Wife , Mother of two then entertainer and also now is a presenter on Lake Macquarie FM.
We were known as The Raybons Juggling Duo
We both do 2 shows a week. One show as a duo. LMFM is a community station, and all presenters are volunteers
Ray & Bonnie were known as The Raybons
Juggling Duo and worked all over the World with their unique and spectacular juggling and Balancing act.
The Raybons performed on all major T.V.
Variety Shows in Japan New Zealand and Australia. They even worked in Japan for a year, having to leave their two daughters with relatives back home.
These two have led an incredible life together, & I only wish I could post the entire story Ray sent me, as it's a great read. Instead, I will give a condensed summary.
Some of the acts they worked with were
Billy Connolly, The Supremes, The Platters, Chubby Checker, Johnny Okeefe, Col Joye, Judy Stone , Winifred Atwell, Vera Lynn, Katherine Grayson, Lonnie Donegan, Dave Allen, Lucky Starr, Al Martino, Gerry & The Pacemakers, The Delltones, and Bobby Rydell to name a few.
Ray and Bonnie also performed the Wilma Witch Show and Pantomimes for Children in various Venues all over Australia.
Ray also performed for 3years in NSW
Schools in the Click Clack Road Safety Show and then Ray & Bonnie performed their own Childrens show Rollo & Bon Bon for many years in Schools, Clubs & Shopping Centres.
Toni Stevens brought Ray & Bonnie out of retirement to be Presenters at Lake Macquarie FM 97.3 in July 2015.
Ray & Bonnie present The Good Times 2
Brekkie Show every Tuesday morning 6am to 9am
Ray presents The Get Up & Go Brekkie
Show every Wednesday morning 6am to 9am.
Bonnie presents Sunday Sounds Sunday
mornings 12noon to 3pm
A little overview on Bonnie.
Bonnie: Yvonne Dawn Northey ( Nee Foster)
Born : Lithgow NSW October 1941
Siblings : 2 Sisters 1 Brother
Her parents were divorced
She was brought up by loving Mother who worked from home as a dressmaker to provide for family.
She never received any maintenance for her children
Lived with various relatives while growing up.
Bonnie met Ray when she was 13, however cupids arrow didn't hit till he coached her basketball team when she was 15.
Bonnies Grandfather (Louis Jones) Started
Jones Bros. Bus Service in Lithgow also had a farm at Schofields at one stage during the war and later a small property at Ben Bullen, till his age caught up with him.
Bonnie said they had great times on the farm.
When Bonnie left School, she worked as a shop assistant. First in a store that sold everything from crockery to fishing gear, and then in a children's shoe store till she married.
Married Ray in1960 in Lithgow Methodist Church
They had two daughters, Bronwyn Anne Northey
& Aleeta Gai Northey
Two Grandchildren. Jess Louis & Floyd William Blackburn
Some of Ray's story... I went into the work force at a very early age, collecting manure and selling it for three pence a sugar bag.
Saturday nights I would sell the Clarion Newspaper, I used to go around the streets calling out Clarion at the top of my voice and I never stopped till I sold all my papers and ended up coming home in the dark on short winter days.
The blackberry season saw all us kids picking blackberries till we filled up the kerosene tins IXL had supplied us with.
We would struggle back to the depot (no cars in those days) and have them weighed and we would be paid cash in the hand.
I also worked in a Chemist 5 days a week before and after High School unpacking crates, bottling his own brand of hand lotion, cough mixture and balms sticking in the corks then licking the labels and putting them on the bottles.
The best and sweetest job was weighing and packing the Guild
Chemist jelly beans
My first recollections of a budding showbiz career started when my Sisters and Cousins and I were singing Christmas carols.
I had a cousin Bill who studied Banjo and when he moved from
Burwood PS to Lithgow Public School he was asked by our teacher to take his banjo to each classroom to perform to all the students. Well Bill had to play the Banjo by reading music and busting to get into showbiz without the aid of possessing any talent I seized the opportunity to break into showbiz by not only carrying his music stand from room to room, but while he was performing, with the nod of his head I had the important task of turning the music over to the next page. (I was hooked)
My next big break came in 6" class or year 6 as it is now known, our teacher (Mr Fitzel) entrusted me to stand out the front of the class while he had to leave the room. My enthusiasm as being asked to monitor the class with their reading was conceived as my chance to entertain the class with a rendition of the Billy Goat was blind to the tune of Ghost Riders in the Sky.
The Words
The night was dark and stormy and the Billy Goat was blind he ran into a barbed wire fence and scratched his never mind, on taking my applause I was distracted by the louder clapping sounds coming from the open window of the classroom on my left, and so were my fellow students in the audience, because as their applause diminished the applause from the window became the only clapping I could hear.
Over the top of the sole clapping came the appreciative, but booming voice of Mr Fitzel .That was great Northey but stay there till I get back in the room.4 cuts of the cane later I found out about the pain and suffering one has to endure to be in Showbiz.
In High School my Showbiz career was limited to performing with the Gymnastic teams at the school Concerts and various displays at festivals and fetes, also as the base drummer and later on the Drum Major of the High School band, I never passed the auditions for the School plays. However I did get lead roles in Sunday school plays and once had a starring role in a Legacy play I was in at the Wentworth Falls School of Arts, only because we all had to be in it and it was the only part left.
I was very good at sports and represented my high school in rugby league and basketball and I developed ball skills at a very early age. I also played Cricket Table Tennis Hockey Soccer and Tennis.
Being a Legacy Ward and the Lithgow president of Legacy owned a lot of the local businesses I was given a job at his Ford garage.
(Brace's Motors)He decided I should have a trade.
I was working in the garage as an apprentice Motor Mechanic (My heart wasn't in it but that's another story) however George Wallace Snr. one of Australia's top Comedians was touring NSW working Theatres and was having his car serviced at our Garage, and the Grease Monkey as they were called in those days although he always referred to himself as the Greasoligist told him about the kid working in the Garage that was always juggling instead of working.
The Service Manager came and told me George Wallace wanted to see me.
This was the first time I had ever met a big radio star (at that time radio was all we knew I knew nothing about Vaudeville.)
After juggling a few spanners for him he invited me to come to the show that night and told me to come backstage and he would introduce me to one of the best jugglers in the world.
After meeting Lloyd Nairn and having a brief juggling session with him before the show and the watching his performance I became addicted to Show Biz and Juggling.
Although to this day I never ever attained the brilliance of Lloyd I still managed to ascend to a level of Juggling skills that enabled me to pursue a career as a professional Juggler and Lloyd admits that some of my tricks were beyond his capabilities.
There are so many more parts to his life story. But these were the parts I could fit into the post..
Ray's drive & determination to perform was matched by his beautiful wife Bonnie. They truly are so remarkable together.